Wow, part of me thought I would never make it, but finally... I am here! Through the broken air pumps, plane changes, sitting next to 90 year old people who I swore were going to die in my behalf because I had to ask them to get up about 5 times to pee, to the new flights, the lost i-pod, lost luggage, and mono....I am here, and it is all worth it. I could leave today, and this would still be worth it. This place is beyond beautiful. Think of New York, mixed with Washington, and even though I have never been there I feel like add a little dash of British Columbia and you have London.My apartment is in South Kensington, there is not a cheap car in sight. I feel like a Dane, this area is one of the more wealthy parts of London, in one day I saw 400 Mercedes, 10 Bentleys, an Aston Martin, a Rolls Royce and a Ferrari, all pretty much parked out my door. So Mom, you can feel a little bit better on my safety.

It is so funny walking down the street, I have two responses for any situation, "Oh my gosh, look they have dogs," "Oh my gosh, they have families!" "Look, they are eating dinner, in their houses." or "This is first time I stepped across the street in London, this is time I flushed the toilet in London" can get the idea. It makes me feel more American than anything plus the fact I am practically yelling down the streets taking pictures of everything down to their, "english flowers," and giggling at the sound of any English man. I have never felt louder in my life. The first day was honestly, the most difficult day ever. We decided to stay up, because I hear if you take a nap, well let's just say when I came to London the first time I took a nap and Jen and I didn't wake up for like 18 hours and when we did, I did not know the day, time, or even where I was. So we decided to walk around and I can already tell, I am going to get some cute leg muscles! We walked all around our apartment, finding the local grocery stores, and then walked all through Hyde Park. It is gorgeous, quiet, and oddly I guess the Londonites here have a passion for rollerblading, which I found really weird. But everyone was doing it, kids, Asians, people in business suits...anyway. We walked all the way through until we got to Buckingham Palace, which I don't think I have ever seen a nicer gate. This thing was dripping in gold and didn't really serve any purpose, as it was a gate that opened to nothing. After this, we went to dinner at this restaurant called Wamajama, or something like that. It was Japanese and to my family's better judgement, I had this Chicken and Sweet Potatoe Curry and actually liked it! I am all for a food revolution while I am here, I want to experience it all. Dinner was on the school, so we ate pretty much everything. Ordering about 60 things from edimome to coconut ice cream. At the end, our sassy English waiter asked if we had enough to eat... this was his complete slander at fat Americans, which I can't blame him for. I have yet to see an overweight Englishman. However, I can tell you that there are a lot less white people than I thought. There are so many different types of people here, but don't get too sad there are still the very classic cliche red headed pale Brit's, and oh how cute they are. The night was almost over and most everyone wanted to go to bed at this point, but knowing me I am sure you are not surprised I was still ready to go out. So, my teacher Rick, Emily, and I went to a local Pub last night, where it is said to be the drinking hot spot of both Jack the Ripper and the writer of Sherlock Holmes, we drank with he best of London. It was beyond local, and I think we were the youngest, not drinking, couple of girls there...but still had fun being seeing the city at night.

Don't worry, these are NOT our drinks, we just thought it would be a funny picture...And then I fell asleep for seriously a long, hard, good night's rest only to wake up to an English man yelling out my window, I smiled all over again and remembered how lucky I truly am.
I love you and miss you all,
Hey Andrew and I have been to that same pub! I think we went on the Jack the Ripper walk/tour and that was one of the stops.
ReplyDeleteOK - great - so you live where all of the rich people live . . . where do you think all of the burglars are going to go to??? jk :) It looks and sounds wonderful and I want to come!!!!! Keep those posts and pictures coming! xoxo mom
ReplyDeletePOOH BEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you!!!!!! I can't believe you finally made it!! Wow- what a trip! I am sooooo sorry you lost your ipod by the way :(((( I wish I could talk to you so bad!!!! But I am so happy that you are doing this blog so we can keep in touch this way and hear about all of your exciting travels!!!! Sounds like you are having a blast already. I can't wait to hear more!! I hope you are not too exhausted. Hahaha yes I remember when we took that "nap" for like 18 hours. Probably good you didn't take one right when you got there because that probably would have happened again!
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of all the walking you have been doing, do you remember when we walked for like 50 miles just to find that stupid London Hard Rock Cafe- hahahahaha. Well I can't wait to hear all of your stories. I love you so much!!!! And I hope you are feeling better!!
Love you, (okay yes I will do this in front of everyone) times kiki ga to infiniti!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your big sis
Haha, I still think it is funny the first meal you have in London is Japanese food. I think this story is going to be one of the best i read. Can't wait to read more.
ReplyDeleteso, do the dogs bark in British accents there?
ReplyDeleteaddie, I will try to convey this to sounds like rowww ROAAAHHWWW rroooaawhh....very fluctuated sophisticated bark. I miss you dude, I love you all, and Ryan...I think we are doing that tour too, the Jack the Ripper one, but at night! And through all his spots, its going to be freaky! Have you thought of any suggestions of where I need to go?
ReplyDeleteKELSEY!! oh my gosh you are in england i dont even know what to say to you only that i am here in utah which is probably a lot cooler lol totally just kidding! i miss you already though so i am hoping these months go by fast! i really hope you have alread bought me a ton of presents! oh and katie misses you too! and do not lie those so were your drinks! love ya kiersten shoemaker!