Thursday, June 3, 2010


So I feel like I always write down the major stories, but have missed some just dang good small moments. This one is mostly going to pictures. Its getting to the end and this has been one of the best two months in my life.
So first, the tallest man in London asked Emily and I for drinks, sadly we left him by a tree, which he was taller than, and kinda stood him up!
Us on The Tower Bridge, which looks like Disney Land, and by the way this is the 100th picture someone had to take, because no offense to Londoners, they suck at taking pictures.
A heck of a lot of moments just looking out on this beautiful world, thinking little revelations.
Their thrift stores are not very good here, but they sure do have some good vintage hats!
I'm a natural hick.
Mama Bear, Emily, gave me and Gavin facials from this waay hip body store called Lush. Our masks were like sea weed something, felt pretty amazing!
Us ditching part of King Henry VIII for a walk along the Thames.
They have these elephants all over the city, it is for a city auction, kind of like San Fran and their hearts or Amsterdam and the cows. They are all painted in a different style and seriously are everywhere!
First day I wore shorts, heck ya!
Oh yea, I forgot...went to Hogwarts for the day. This is the only picture I could take though, they didn't allow photography inside!!
It's getting to the point where we make the same faces, say the same sentences, buy the same clothes...She even says, "Heck ya, " now. Too good!
On top of St. Paul's Cathedral, over looking the Thames, just before I screamed off the railing!
Emily was not about to touch the railing, she was shaking so bad afraid she was going to fall. Everyone was like, "Oh my gosh, is she okay?" She was literally hugging the wall ahah.

My London Umbrella Picture, excuse the small shot of my upper tights...I was jumping!
There is always an odd source of wind coming from the Tube, like that is a lot of wind. I'm pretty sure they don't go that fast. A bunch of us went out for our night out on the town. We dressed up and went to dinner and after the musical, Lion King. It was an amazing production, Rafiki blew my mind away. I'm pretty sure we were the only ones dancing and singing the ENTIRE show. Afterward, just me and Emily went to Piccadilly Circus to gamble. I lost 5 pounds, but Em won 4 pounds!!! One of the best nights here.
We helped these kids gamble, the one on the left lost 500 pounds...on the right won 300. So I would say our luck balanced out pretty good! I got a McDonalds McFlurry out of it for free!
We spent the whole day having a picnic in Hyde Park, one of the most peaceful and relaxing days here. Plus a workout! We like to call London, America on crack. For example, Hyde Park is Central Park...on crack. We walked around the whole thing (in heels, which is a pretty big deal, like I said, Central Park on crack), watching people in row boats, getting ice cream, and having pigeons freak Emily out. One beautiful day!

And as for my quote of the blog title? Well as I was on top of St. Paul's, I desperately wanted to yell something off the railing. The only thing I have ever yelled off a bridge or tower has been, "Brooooklyn," from Newsies of course. However, with some help from Emily I decided to yell, "WHAT'S UP LONDON," off St. Pauls. It is a quiet yell because I didn't want to scare anyone, it was a tiny roof and I was a bit nervous. However, even this small shout was extremely satisfying!
Love Always,


  1. Looks like you are having so much fun!! I LOVE all the pics! So cute! I especially like the umbrella one. It looks like you are singing "Singing in the Rain." Hyde park looks so pretty and peaceful. I wish I could be there right now. Do they have all those cute chairs available for anyone who wants to sit in the park? The white dress you got from the market is darling! Love it! The picture of Hogwarts rocks too! Well I am glad you are living it up in London town! By the way, that tall guy looks really freaky! Good thing you stood him up! Hahaha LOVE YOU!!!


  3. Kels, It was awesome seeing you in the video!! It was just so you! I loved hearing your voice yelling out at London. You look like you are having the time of your life. Thanks for all of the great stories and pictures! Luv ya, Kath



About Me

London, United Kingdom
My goal in life is to never stop surprising myself.